Body composition

Adult Anthropometrics & Body Composition

Fall 2022


Name  _______________________
Last                  First



  OBJECTIVES:                                                                                     

  • Learn to perform standardized anthropometric and body composition measurements
    1. Height or estimated height
    2. Weight
    3. Waist circumference
    4. Skinfold measurements (will not practice taking the measurements, but will have some measurements provided for you to provide body fat estimations based on provided skinfold measurements)


  • Seek out a “client” and best available instruments for measuring height, weight, and waist circumference. Complete part D. Video record you taking these three measurements with your “client” and provide the link (Zoom, YouTube, OneDrive, etc.) in this assignment where indicated.


2)   Calculate commonly-used indices from these measurements

  1. a) Body mass index (NIH uses to classify as underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese)
  • Perform commonly used calculations used in body composition.
    1. You can do the calculations for this lab assignment by hand or by using the Excel spreadsheet posted on Canvas. All you need to do is enter your values for Age, Body Weight, sum of 3 skinfolds, triceps skinfold, waist circumference, and mid-arm circumference – and the calculations are done for you.
  • Determine percentile ranking for each of these measurements, or how they compare to others in the U.S. who are the same age, gender and race/ ethnicity group. You will use the two files that include NHANES national norms provided as a supplement needed for this lab and is posted to Canvas.



Collect information and measurements on your “client” and fill in chart below. Tables/figures of NHANES population norms have been posted on Canvas to serve as a supplement to this lab.   Note units required (in, mm, cm, m) asked for.  Show calculations when suggested.



1. * Age (to nearest birthday)











2. * Gender (circle)


M      F


3. * Race or Ethnicity (circle one)

Non-Hispanic White            Mexican American

Non-Hispanic Black            All race or ethnicity groups –

(includes all other)


4.  Standing Height – Instructions


– – –



* Inches






* Cm (inches x 2.54)






Meters (cm / 100)




What was your client’s percentile ranking for Height?

(If between two cut points, what two percentiles?)




What would be an alternative measurement if standing height cannot be gathered?  What would be an appropriate tool(s) to measure this?




5.  Body Weight


–          – –









* Lb






* Kg (Lb x 0.454)




What is the patient’s percentile ranking for Body weight (If between two cut points, what two percentiles?)





6.  Body Mass Index (BMI)


–          – –



Patient’s Wt in kg (same as #5)










Patient’s Ht in meters (same as #4)









Calculate BMI (Quetelet’s Index)

 Wt (kg)

Ht (m)2






NIH quick BMI grid:


What is the patient’s percentile ranking for BMI? (Between what two percentiles?)








The National Institutes of Health use BMI

to provide classifications for overweight

and obesity. Do your patient’s measurements show:

Overweight?      25.0 – 29.9

Obese?              > 30.0










NIH BMI calculator:




Write a summary statement about your subject in terms of stature, weight, and BMI as compared to national norms (the point of this is that you can show me you understand percentiles and how to express the meaning of them).


Waist Circumference
(use Gulick Measurement Tape)
My Data Method:


According to the NIH Practical Guide “To locate waist circumference, locate the upper hip bone and the top of the right iliac crest.  Place a measuring tape in a horizontal plane around the abdomen at the level of the iliac crest.  Before reading the tape measure, ensure that the tape is snug, but does not compress the skin, and is parallel to the floor.  The measurement is made at the end of a normal expiration”

7.  Waist Circumference (instructions on right) in
8.  According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) disease if waist circumference exceeds 35” for women and 40” for men your patient’s risk is greater for Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, elevated lipid levels, and coronary heart disease.  Did your client/patient exceed these limits? YES     NO


  1. Identify the instrument/tool used to collect the following measurements:
  • Stature:
  • Weight:
  • Waist circumference:

Were these instruments ideal?  Why or why not?  Which instruments would be better options for gathering this information?

Link to video: ______ (also copy and paste it to assignment submission comments in Canvas)

(Skinfold measurement activity on following page)

  1. E. Please review sites and instructions for how to do a 3-site skin fold measurement for both men and women (below). You do not need to perform skin fold measurements to complete this assignment. Rather, use the provided skinfold measurements (men only) and mid-arm circumference (MAC/MUAC) to estimate percent body fat in calculations (#4-7) and muscle area (#9-12)  You can do the calculations by hand or use the Excel Spreadsheet posted on Canvas (recommended).


MEN: Percent Body Fat (3-Site Skinfolds*) and Fat-Free Mass.

Skinfold measurements have been measured at the 3 sites shown below on the Right side of the body (you do not need to actually conduct skinfold measurements on a subject).  Measurements have been taken by rotating measurement sites so all three sites are measured, then repeated rotation for duplicate measurements.  If the duplicate measurements are not within 1-2 mm, measure a third time.  Take the “Average Value” from each of the 2-3 skinfold measurement sites, and add them to obtain the SUM (X1), which is used to calculate Density, which in turn is used to determine Percent Body Fat.  Fill in the table below.








3 Measurements

Skinfold              (mm)







Chest         10    20    15


Abdomen  30    20    40   ___

Thigh        20    15    10



SUM of 3 Skinfolds – – – >










Sum (X1)


Diagonal fold on right chest ½ the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple.


Vertical fold 2 cm to the right of the umbilicus.


Vertical fold on the front of the right thigh, midway between the hip (inguinal) and knee (patella) joints.


(Use Sum (X1)  for calculations below)


Women’s chart below is only included to show sites and offer descriptions.






3 Measurements

Skinfold               mm)







Triceps      ___   ___   ___


Suprailium ___  ___   ___   _

Thigh         ___   ___   ___


SUM of 3 Skinfolds – – – – – >




____ ____



Sum (X1)

Vertical fold on the back of the arm, halfway between the shoulder bone (acromion) and elbow (olecranon).


Diagonal fold just above the iliac crest (right side above hip bone), taken in the anterior axillary line.


Vertical fold on the front of the right thigh, midway between the hip (inguinal) and knee (patella) joints.


(Use Sum (X1) for calculations below)



Calculations Fill in ↓
1.  Race/ethnic group  (circle):   Non-Hispanic White     Non-Hispanic Black      Hispanic     Mexican American     Other
2.  Age (closest birthday)(X2) 27 yrs
3.  Body weight 232 Lbs
4.  Calculate Density =  1.1093800 – 0.0008267(X1) + 0.0000016(X1)2 – 0.0002574(X2)
where X1 is the Sum of 3 skinfolds above, and X2 is Age in years
5.  Calculate % Body Fat =  [(4.950/Density) – 4.500] * 100 %
6.  Calculate Lbs Body Fat =  Body Wt  x  (% BF  ÷  100) Lbs
7.  Calculate Lbs Fat Free Mass (FFM) =   Body Wt  –  BF Lbs


  Triceps Skinfold Data
Triceps skinfold thickness (both men and women) 25 mm Most women are  15 – 40 mm

Most men are:   10 – 30 mm

What is the percentile ranking for triceps thickness by age %tile If racial/ethnic group not listed, use “All groups”


Arm Muscle Measurements           My Data  



Mid-arm circumference:

(Most women are:  23-33 cm)

(Most men are:  27-35 cm)













Midupper arm muscle area(AMA)

(Most women are:  26-46 cm2)

(Most men are:  50-70 cm2)






(Most women are:  21-40cm2)

(Most men are:  37-69 cm2)


8. Mid-Arm circumference (used Insertape)
(Use as C1 in equations below)
35 cm
9. Mid upper arm muscle circumference (AMC)

AMC  =    C1  – (0.314  x  TSK)



10. Arm muscle area (AMA)
AMA  =    [AMC] 2                               12.57


11. Corrected Arm muscle area (cAMA)

Men:            cAMA   =   AMA – 10.0
Women:       cAMA   =  AMA  –  6.5

12. Percentile Ranking. What is this person’s percentile ranking for cAMA (or between what two percentiles) – see table below %tile
MALES (all races)  

FEMALES (all races)

Age (yr) 5th 10th 15th 25th 50th 75th 85th 90th 95th 5th 10th 15th 25th 50th 75th 85th 90th 95th
18.0-24.9 34.2 37.3 39.6 42.7 49.4 57.1 61.8 65.0 72.0 19.5 21.5 22.8 24.5 28.3 33.1 36.4 39.0 44.2
25.0-29.9 36.6 39.9 42.4 46.0 53.0 61.4 66.1 68.9 74.5 20.5 21.9 23.1 25.2 29.4 34.9 38.5 41.9 47.8

*  Exerpted from:  Frisancho AR.  1990.  Anthropometric Standards for the Assessment of Growth and Nutritional Status.  The University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor. p. 50.


Write a summary statement about this subject in terms of body fat as compared to healthy ranges (e.g. low percent body fat, high percent body fat, healthy) and triceps skinfold thickness as it compares to national norms.


List one limitation of each of the following methods:

  1. 3-site skinfold measurements
  2. Bioelectrical impedance