Employee benefits research paper

Employee benefits are rewards that the company provides to employees only for the fact that they are its employees. Usually, they are not tied to employee performance. Sometimes however, they depend on status of employee in the company, his merits, and the time he has worked in the company.
Behind a successful company there are several factors which affect its activities and performance. These are various economic issues, production processes, capital, and people- employees. The human resources of a company depend on how the company can respond to challenges of the market. Employers are recently trying to take care of their employees much more than just rewarding them with a salary. They provide them a variety of employee benefits with which they try to motivate them to better perform. The aim of this paper is to describe the system of benefits provided by companies in general.

Write about information all about employee benefits such as what is legally required and what is available in the US verses other countries. Mention maternity benefits, fringe benefits, health care, vacation and sick time.. etc..