Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West

Read Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West and look for the author’s thesis and his supporting evidence throughout the book.

Introduce the book in half a page. Remember this is a review; therefore, quickly describe the thesis and the question the author raises. Tell me what battles or wars you are going to explore from Ibrahim’s book. Make sure you set this section off with the subhead, “Introduction.” End your introduction with this phrase, “In this paper, I will analyze and explore the following four wars: …” (half page)

In the body of your paper, analyze four battles or wars from Ibrahim’s book (one page each). Does each battle or war support or undermine Ibrahim’s thesis? Why does he think the most important evidence supports his conclusion? Explain whether his thinking logically follows. You are working on accurately describing the author’s point of view and analyzing the historical argumentation. Make sure to divide each battle or theme with your own creative “subheads.” Each of the four sections should have multiple paragraphs.

Finally, tell me the significance of the Sword and Scimitar by answering the following three questions: 1) What impacts does Ibrahim reveal about the history of Islamic imperialism? 2) What are the keys to understanding Ibrahim’s thesis and historical argument? Was the author convincing? Why or why not? And 3) What significant lessons does Ibrahim draw from his study? Make sure you set this section off with the subhead, “Conclusion.” (1 to 1.5 pages)