Forensic Science and Criminalistics

  • Summarize the CSI effect and Evaluate if it is a legitimate concern.
  • Analyze the effect’s potential impact on at least two elements of the criminal justice system.
  • Identify how the reality of forensics might differ from perceptions resulting from popular television shows.


Define forensic science and how it contributes to a case, as well as explain the CSI Effect and the scientific method.
Summarize the history of forensic science and contributors to the field.
List and describe some forensic science specialties.
Identify the elements of a forensic investigation, how physical evidence can be produced, and forensic analysis.
Describe the work and work product of a forensic scientist.
Describe the U.S. court system, and the key rulings on physical evidence admissibility through expert testimony.
List and discuss major issues in forensic science today.
