
(4 poem imitations of your choice, with a 1 paragraph statement for each)
(200 points, 50 each per poem)

We will read and listen to many kinds of poems. One of the very best ways to gain an understanding of how poems work is to try writing poems ourselves. For this assignment, you will need to choose four poems from class to imitate (write your own version). This means that for each of your four poems you will identify at least one move that poem makes (more is better) and try it out in your own original poem. Be creative with this—maybe you’ll want to imitate a particular form or structure, or a kind of language, a certain kind of emotional tension, that sort of thing. With each imitation, be sure to include a separate one paragraph statement that explains what strategy or strategies you’re imitating from the chosen poem and what affects you hope your own poem achieves.

Poems will be graded based on: attention to use of strategy/strategies from imitated poem, the poem’s connection to the original poem (the relationship should be clear, but the poem should also stand alone as its own artistic statement), successful completion/inclusion of the paragraph statement for each.