Bibliographic entry Essay

Create a bibliographic entry for each of your sources in proper MLA format, just as you would for a works cited page. (Tip: When you do finally get to making your works cited page for the final paper, you can just copy/paste from this if you’ve done a good job. Saves a lot of time!) Then, beneath every source’s entry, write a brief paragraph (approximately 150 words) summarizing and evaluating the source.

SUMMARY: Just a sentence or two — briefly sum up what the source’s main topic was, what information it covered, etc.

EVALUATION: This should be the main bulk of each entry. Assess the role this source played/will play in your research. How useful was the information in this source? How trustworthy do you feel the author is? Was this helpful in your research? Did you learn anything new from it? Will it help to strengthen your overall argument?