Detailed Presentation Outline


Continue researching your ethical dilemma, and be certain to critically examine ethical considerations, health practice, and policy options. While compiling research, organizing thoughts and sketching out direction is an integral part of the developmental process. Afterall, planning a professional presentation is not much different than planning a comprehensive research paper–it is the delivery of the content that looks different, not so much for the preparation. Supportive Submission #2 requires you to prepare a detailed outline of the anticipated topics you will cover in your Critical Assignment Presentation.


Create a detailed outline for your ethical issue presentation. Review the presentation criteria and grading rubric (provided in Weeks 4 or 8) and make sure to cover all major requirements. INCLUDE 3-5 MAJOR bullet points and several SUPPORTING points with discussion for each major requirement. Your supportive discussions must also integrate and cite your references (at least five beyond your textbook). If there are any areas you are lacking references, you may need to do additional research to ensure you have enough support for each area identified in the rubric. I have included a skeleton outline below that you may use as a starting point upon which to build, filling in with details from your specific topic and research. Alternatively, you may feel free to use an outline of your own making/choosing.

All written submissions should be academically sound and free of typos or grammatical errors. Submissions must follow current APA requirements, with 1-inch margins, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and include an appropriate title page, running heads, page numbers, correctly formatted in-text citations and references where appropriate, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents.

Skeleton Outline:

A. Introduction

1. Thesis statement: (actually write it out)

2. Main issues: (list them)

B. Main Issue 1 (ethical dilemma)

C. Main Issue 2 (ethical dilemma)

D. Ethical Considerations

1. Relevant considerations (justificatory conditions, GMC’s, theories on distributive justice, etc.), and principles related to public health practice and/or policy development for your chosen issue (including social justice and the principles of ethical practice of public health)

2. Current and future political, legal, and/or economic issues related to ethical public health practice and health care delivery for your chosen issue

E. Health Practice or Policy Analysis via an Ethical Framework

F. Conclusion

1. Recommendations and application to the field of public health

2. Things to think about

G. References