Home Announcements Syllabus Modules Grades Chat Assignments

Describe modem Mffinelogy and tools used to study anatomy and physiology.
Explain coffinhuhons of organs and systems to Me maintenance of homeostasis.

Answer each of the fallowing questions M complete sentences. Each question should be at least 3 to 5 sentences for both Critical Thinking Questions. If any resources, including the text is used, adhere to APA guidelines.

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• If neurons in the central nervous system lack ce ®rioles and are unable to divide, how can a person develop brain cancer?

• A police officer has just stopped Bill on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. The officer asks Bill to walk the yellow line on the road and then asks him to place the tip of his index finger on the tip of his nose. Which part of the brain A being tested by these activities? How would these activities indicate Bills level of sobriety?

• In some severe cases of stomach ulcers, the branches of the vagus nerve (X) that lead to the stomach are surgically severed. Flow might this procedure control the ulcers?

• Improper use of crutches can produce a condition known as crutch paralysis, which is characterized by a lack of response by the extensor muscles of the arm and a condition known as wrist drop. Which nerve is involved?

• While playing football, Ramon is tackled hard and suffers an injury to he left leg. As he tries to g® up, he finds that he cannot flex his left hip or extend the knee. Which nerve is damaged, and how would this damage affect sensory perception in his left leg?