Let’s Help the Honey Bees

Posters are an Effective Communication Medium
Posters Promote a Message

Honey Bees and Environmental Advocates
Assessment = 20%

For your final assignment, you will construct a poster that explicitly celebrates a group that supports the environment or honey bees.
Globally there are many; feel free to select your topic. The course textbook lists a few examples in Chapter 7, but there are also many others.

A. Your poster will consist of the following content –
1. Your subject = what did you select?

Is it an
institute, group, conservatory, law, campaign, etc.?
Make clear your subject in the poster’s heading

The poster’s images and details should be linked to one another.

2. Describe your topic, what does, or has it done, how long it has been around, and how did it begin etc.
Is it an NGO or a governmental resource/agency?

Does your subject conduct research?

Does it produce a publication = perhaps you can describe it?

This content and any other relevant information should be part of the content/facts you research and present in your poster.

B. Why did you select your subject?
What did you learn?

How does it fit into the content you have studied in this course?

C. An APA reference page is required you do not have to provide citations on the poster directly.
The rubric for this assignment is also available and will provide additional details to support this assignment.

Bee Creative with the Design and,

Comprehensive in your knowledge foraging!

Reach out to your instructor, Professor Bake if you have any questions.