Managed Health Care Delivery Models – ACOs

This assignment is designed to get you started on your research and development of the final paper. Go to Week 6, and review the requirements for your Managed Health Care Delivery Models final paper. For the final paper, you are to choose a managed health care delivery model, an accountable care organization, or a patient-centered medical home. For this assignment, you will write a two-page detailed outline that addresses the first three requirements of your final paper.

For your Final Paper Prep, develop an outline that addresses the following:

  • Discuss the origin and structure of your selected managed health care delivery model.
  • Describe how your selected model strives to contain the costs or improve the quality of care.
  • Summarize health care providers’ contracts and payment methods in your selected model.

For assistance with your outline, review the Writing Center’s Outlining Links to an external

The Final Paper Prep