Problems HR Compliance

How to Organize Assessment 2

There is no expertise necessary to complete the next assignment. Use the template chart I have provided to fill in the information requested in the assignment. I have attached an example for you to see exactly what I am looking for.
All of the following comes from the Excel data provided.
Employee name.
Work plant.
Job title.
EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) classification(s), if any.
Demographic data.
Nature of the complaint.

This information will come from each of the letters.
Description of legal risk (for example, Title VII discrimination of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, pregnancy discrimination, or risk for other tort liability such as OSHA violations, wrongful death, illness, or injury, workers’ compensation claims, COVID-19 exposure, or other liability).

Relevant legislation.
Next you will need to use the readings (including my announcements) or do some research to determine what laws or regulations relate to the legal risks you have identified. NOTE, that there are a few where the complaint does not suggest liability, HOWEVER, you should explain why the law relates to the risks (facts of the claim).
Read through Announcement 3 – Federal Compliance Laws!

Viability of each complaint.
Here you will need to use your best judgment based on your reading and understanding of the laws you have reviewed. You need to state your reasons for finding each complaint to be legally viable or not. Be sure to Propose a conclusion for each complaint and provide a rationale.

Ethical issues.
Here you need to discuss what ethical issues apply to each claim AND list the recognized ethical framework. The ethical frameworks you should consider include:
Virtue ethics : What is moral is what makes us the best person we could be.
Deontology : What is moral is what follows from absolute moral duties.
Utilitarianism : What is morally right is what generates the best outcome for the largest number of people.
Rights-based Ethics : What is moral is that which is in accord with everyone’s rights.
Care-based Ethics : What is moral is that which promotes healthy relationships and the well-being of individuals and their interdependence.

Executive summary
Lastly, you need to summarize your analysis in a 1–2 page executive summary AND highlight the complaints that represent the most severe risk to Capra Tek.