PHI 240-BA Final Exam Fall 2022

Answer the following essay question:
In the Myth of Gyges, Glaucon argues that no one is just for justice sake. Rather, people who practice justice do so reluctantly. Explain in detail the arguments he uses to defend this claim. What is the difference between psychological and ethical egoism? What is the major objection to ethical egoism?

Bonus: Multiple-choice question. Choose the best answer:

According to Utilitarianism:

(A) Morality is best understood as an attempt to bring about as much happiness as possible;

(B) If there is a choice between two alternatives, we must choose the one that has the best overall consequences for everyone concerned;

(C) If an individual is capable of suffering, the we have a duty to take that into account when deciding what to do;

(D) Each person’s happiness should count equally;

(E) All of the above.