Term Project

Each student will become a hypothetical marketing manager at a Fortune 500 company. Throughout the entire semester, each student will build a portfolio of advertisements that the hypothetical company would deploy as a part of their marketing strategy and will be specific to the platform it will be advertised on. Students will show mastery of understanding of the respective platform, users of the platform, brand voice, and overall company strategy. The portfolio will be due Sunday, Nov. 20 By 11:59pm

So far, you as the Marketing Manager have developed 3 strategies for our company (in prior assignments). Please include each one in this portfolio. There will be a total of 6 sections (along with a title page and a reference page). Along with the 3 homework assignments you have already completed, you will also add your input and strategy for the following 3 pieces (A good answer will be at least one page double spaced for each question):

Go to the company website and then go to a competitor’s website. Compare and contrast the two and provide specific examples of things your company does better and specific things the competitor seems to do better with regards to messaging and communication. How would you improve your company website? Please use specific examples and describe in detail.
Should our company have a Google AdWords strategy? If so, what words should we target and why? If not, why not? If you choose not to, be prepared to explain in detail and then also explain an alternative strategy.

In chapter 2 (figure 2.1) and in chapter 14 (figure 14.1), we learned about the SMM Planning Cycle. Write 2-3 pages on a full planning cycle from the perspective of your company. Make sure to be very specific and use only details and explanation that is unique to your company alone. Break out each of the 8 steps and construct an effective plan. (Use the powerpoint for Ch.14 to help guide you through this)