Sport in a global context

Southern New Hampshire University
SPT 700 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: In the previous module, you discussed two to three organizations that might be suitable for your capstone project. For this first milestone, you will narrow your choice down to one organization, and identify and describe the proposed project and potential new market. You will be drafting Sections I and III.A of the final project. The feedback you receive from this assignment will inform future work toward your feasibility study, which is due in Module Eight.

Prompt: First, identify the organization you have chosen and describe the proposed project by providing a scope statement that incorporates goals, requirements, and deliverables. You will also perform comprehensive research and analyze the current industry, market, and/or market segments in order to identify a potential market the company may want to target. (Note: You should choose an organization that has the potential to expand globally into an international market.)

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Proposed Project Description

A. Identify the organization considering the proposed project, and provide a brief overview of the organization and its operations.

B. Identify the market your selected organization will be expanding into. Justify your choice of market.

C. Describe the proposed project, its scope, goals, requirements, and deliverables.

III. Market Feasibility

A. Analyze the current industry, market, and/or market segment(s), including competitive forces as well as financial and demographic analyses.

Note: Element I.B does not appear in the Final Project Rubric.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least one peer-reviewed source cited in APA format. The sources you provide in your final feasibility study may overlap with those cited in earlier milestones.