Policy debate

Introduction: Introduce Mill’s GHP, including what Mill says about happiness / unhappiness, and about what’s intrinsic good. Give a brief explanation of the two objections to the GHP that Mill attempts to address (the “swine objection” and the “standard is too high” objection).

Body: For your first section you’re going to explain how the GHP might be used to adjudicate a policy debate of your choosing. For example, if you were to pick the “immigration debate”, you would explain the two sides of the debate and then explain how each side might invoke the GHP in their favor. Other policy debates you might discuss: drug laws: maintain status quo or legalize?

Gun control: maintain status quo or have more restrictions? You can pick another topic too. What I’ll be assessing here is your understanding of the GHP and your where with all and thoughtfulness in applying it.

In the second section you’re going to articulate the swine objection and explain Mill’s response to it.

In the third section you’re going to articulate the “the standard is too high” objection and Mill’s response to it.

Criticism: Here’s some options for this section:

In your explanation of how the GHP might be used to adjudicate a policy debate, do you think there might be other considerations that are relevant to the debate that aren’t captured by the GHP? Explain these considerations and consider how Mill might reply to your concerns.

Do you think Mill’s replies to to swine objection and the “the standard is too high objection” work? Explain.

How might Mill attempt to respond to you? You can also discuss other objections that Wolff discusses in chapter 9 of the textbook– be sure to cite the text if you do! Be sure to consider ways in which Mill might reply to these objections.