Chapter 9 of Wolf’s Introduction to Moral Philosophy.

For the first part of your exploration, you’re going to pick at least two of the objections/problems for Utilitarianism that Wolff brings to our attention. Here are some of them you may pick from:

The problem of deathbed promises
The Agency Problem
Rule Utilitarianism Collapsing into Act Utilitarianism Problem
The “Government House Utilitarianism” Problem
The Contingency Problem

You may choose other problems that Wolff discusses so long as they don’t significantly overlap with issues you with issues that you summarized last week in your Exploration #2 paper.

IMPORTANT: Your exploration paper must be self-contained in the sense that you should not assume that your reader is familiar with Utilitarianism and hence any of these particular objections. It’s on you, as it were, to do all the explaining. When you write, be continually asking yourself: “Okay if my reader doesn’t know anything about Utilitarianism or any of these objections, would what I just wrote make any sense to them?”

For the second part of your exploration, you’re going to try to do your best to defend the Utilitarian from the objections you’ve just summarized.