Causes and Long-Term Effects of Pilot Shortage in the Aviation Industry

1. Title page.

2. Abstract: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper, including your conclusion and recommendation.

3. Introduction: A brief overview of what you are researching, why, and an overview of your research process (including the main topics you will review).

4. Background: Describe what led to the problem, explain the extent of the problem, and why it is necessary to research and resolve the problem.

5. Literature Review: Provide historical background on the area you are researching, provide a contemporary context in which your research is situated, identify any trends in the literature related to your problem, identifies gaps in the literature, draw conclusions based on the literature (what we know about the problem).

6. Data Analysis and Results: Through the analysis of data, state your findings.

7. Conclusions: Based on the results of your data, interpret what they mean in the context of your problem and from an industry perspective.

8. Recommendation: Based on the results and conclusions, state your recommendation to address the problem.

9. Resources