Integrity vs. Despair

For this assignment, review the materials indicated in course content on advanced directives/decision making. Develop your own advanced directive. Pick you decision makers, talk with them about your wishes and determine if they are willing to be your person. Share your thoughts about this process, information you learned you may not have known, and indicate any challenges or barriers people might experience developing an advanced directive. Think about Eric Erickson’s final stage of development: integrity vs. despair as you consider individuals willingness to address an advanced directive.

This paper should be in APA style, complete with title page and reference page, times roman 12 pt font, double spaced with 1″ margins. This paper should be a minimum of 4 pages NOT INCLUDING title and reference page.

Address the following:

Your thoughts about completing your own advanced directive.

Whom you chose as your decision makers and why. Were there any surprises when you asked them to do it? What was the discussion like?

Include information you learned you may not have known, and indicate any challenges or barriers people might experience developing an advanced directive. Think about Eric Erickson’s final stage of development: integrity vs. despair as you consider individuals willingness to address an advanced directive.

What role did your values play in determining your wishes?

Finally, indicate your own wishes for your advanced directive, include code status, what type of service/burial you would want, etc. use Also the provided video