Mission Statement   

Many companies have a brief mission statement, usually in 30 words or fewer, explaining their reason for being and their guiding principles. In one complete sentence…

  • Define the business + its competitive advantage

Company Goals and Objectives

Goals are destinations—where do you want your business to be?  This is the section you should describe the country you would like to expand in to.  Objectives are progress markers along the way to goal achievement. For example, a goal might be to have a healthy, successful company that is a leader in customer service and that has a loyal customer following. Objectives might be, annual sales targets and some specific measures of customer satisfaction. In paragraph form…

  • State what country you are going to potentially expand into and explain why.  What do you plan on achieving such as more efficient workers, increased customer base, etc.?

 Factual Data

In paragraph form…state exactly where your country is located in terms of geographic location (continent, longitude/latitude) Identify ALL neighboring countries and nearby ALL bodies of water. Describe the scale of your country in terms of the population size, population density and land area. Identify the natural resources of your country.  Explain whether the natural resources are unique and (unnatural to the United States).


Historical Development  

In chronological order of events…

Name the free trade bloc membership(s) your country may be a part of.  Identify any historical events leading up to the agreement.  Name and describe at least five of the significant events in the country’s history that are relevant to business.

Histories of Key Industries

In paragraph form…name the three main industries and their locations (city) within the country for each industry.  Name four of your country’s key industries.  Provide at least 2 statistics regarding the key industries such as number of jobs, revenue figures, etc.