Formal Research Report on Is organic food an expensive fad or is it healthier for you and worth the extra money?

It is like the Memo Report but longer and with more preliminary documents. Think of it as a major research paper on a business topic with lots of formatting requirements for its various parts.
Formal Report Memo Assignment Sheet
2% value: memo format
1. You have chosen a tentative Formal Report topic
2. You know that the two general sides are investment benefits (pros) and investment risks (cons)
3. You have chosen three areas of comparison that the two sides debate. The two sides share these areas but disagree on them.
4. You have done preliminary research but in enough depth to see whether you can find material to “slot in” each of the 3 areas x the 2 sides = six sections and what will become the bulk of your Report’s body.
5. Now that you are ready to commit to the topic, write a memo to your supervisor.
5a. State your three areas and the two sides
5b. Inform him/her that you have done enough preliminary research that you believe you can write the Formal Report he/she requested.
5c. Describe preliminary findings for the two sides x 3 areas. (You will give a more complete summary of your findings when I meet with you for your Formal Report Research Conference.)
5d. Ask permission to go ahead and continue research with the aim of writing the report.

Formal Report Grading Checklist (150 pts.)
_____Use of header w/paper’s title & pg. # (1 pt.) _____Correct pagination (1 pt.)
_____No paraphrases but direct “quotations” w/MLA (in-text source) ref. (10 pts.)
_____Three + visuals w/full source citations & numbered Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. (6 pts.)

1. Cover memo (4 pts.); Title Page (1 pt.); Abstract (4 pts.) Table of Contents w/pg # (2 pts.);

2. Introduction: Topic issue/question and 3-4 areas of discussion (3 pts)
1.Purpose and Scope: The goal of the report (1 pt.) and a statistic with (in-text source reference) on the numbers of people affected or $ involved (2 pts.)
2.Procedures: What has been done to gather info. & which sources are used (2 pts.)

3. Analysis/Findings: (@6+ pages long) Three or more major sections labeled and with sub-headings to introduce block single-spaced paragraphs containing quotations and statistics followed by ( ) for sources.

Area #1: _____heading (1 pt.); ______topic sentence (1 pt.) ____________________________________________
Area #2: _____heading (1 pt.); _____ topic sentence (1 pt.)_____________________________________________
Area #3: _____heading (1 pt.); ____topic sentence (1 pt.)_______________________________________________

4. Conclusions/Recommendations: (5 pts.) Review findings. Recommend what employer should do.

5. Works Cited page (15 points and up) List only sources directly quoted and given ( ). -3 p/source short of 10; +1 p/source over 10; -1 p/source not confirmed in text or on WC pg. Use full MLA citations, not just URL’s.: