Self checkworking with sources

1. Which of the following direct quotations is punctuated correctly?
A. My friend asked “when you go to the store can you pick up some coffee?”

B. My friend asked me to pick up some coffee when I go to the store.

C. “When you go to the store, can you pick up coffee” asked my friend.

D. “When you go to the store,” my friend said, “can you please pick up some coffee?”

2. Kotz, Deborah. “Five Ways to Boost Your Will Power.” The Boston Globe. 7 Nov. 2011.

A. to describe how you feel about the article

B. to rewrite the original article

C. to use the writer’s exact words

D. to give an accurate and brief overview of the article, without any personal opinions

3. Bryson, Bill. “Walking Around Sydney.” In a Sunburned Country. Broadway Books, 2000, pp. 6163.
A.Remove the author’s name from either the signal phrase or parenthetical citation.

B.. Add a signal phrase.

C..Add an intext or parenthetical citation.

D. Correct the punctuation.

4.To include the entire passage from “Five Ways to Boost Your Will Power” in your own essay, what should you do according to MLA style?

Some tips for boosting willpower include:
Do something physically challenging. Adopt a new habit, such as brushing your teeth with the opposite hand or adjusting your posture every 30 minutes, both of which have been validated in research. Or learn a new skill like rollerblading, Zumba, or ballroom dance. Exercise every day, preferably outdoors. A 2010 review of 10 studies found that the biggest moodboosting, stressreducing effects of exercise came from fiveminute doses. Getting active outside provided an added bonus of increased willpower in some studies, she said, possibly because being around nature reduced stress more than being indoors.

Kotz, Deborah. “Five Ways to Boost Your Will Power.” The Boston Globe. 7 Nov. 2011.

a. Use quotation marks because you are borrowing exact words

b. Use block quotation because the passage exceeds 4 lines.
c. Use indirect citation since Kotz is citing the expertise of others.

d. Use a footnote to provide an explanatory note about this Kotz’s expertise.

5.Which of the following direct quotations is correctly punctuated?
A “Planning ahead is the best way to succeed in this course,” stated my professor.

B. “Planning ahead” said my professor, “is the best way to succeed in this course.

C. My professor said that “staying ahead will help me succeed.”

d.My professor told me that I need to plan ahead to do well in class.

6. In the following sentence, which words are part of the signal phrase, telling readers that quoted materials are coming?
Her article quoted a recent Massachusetts General Hospital study that found “those who engage in formal meditation for 15 minutes a day actually add gray matter to their brain’s prefrontal cortex” (Kotz, 13).

A.Her article quoted

b. that found

C.brain’s prefrontal cortex

D.those who engage

7. Which of the following quotations is correctly punctuated?
Seattle. “Address.” Jan. 1854. Speech.

A.In his response to Governor Isaac Stevens, Chief Seattle said, “[L]et us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”

B.The sentiment “[L]et us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain,” (Seattle) is one we should all support.

c.In his response to Governor Isaac Stevens, Chief Seattle said “[L]et us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”