Research & Summaries

For this discussion, you can choose any three of the questions listed below for credit. Once again, you can always do more, but for the minimum requirements, you must answer at least three of the questions.

  1. Look at the “Eight Tips for Effective Virtual Teams” from Psychology Today at Then answer the followings:

1) Do you agree with these statements? Do you disagree?

2) Is there anything you would add?

  1. Because of Pandemic, our work and social life heavily rely on virtual communication. In your post, discuss the followings:

1) What are the benefits and drawbacks of working virtually with groups?

2) Has your perspective toward virtual communication changed after the Pandemic?

3) What are some things you learned about yourself when working virtually?

  1. Describe at least two “takeaways” from this course. In other words, what have you learned that is useful for other groups of which you are a part of? Be specific and avoid generalities, such as “I am a better communicator.”