Development of the Depression

Answer the following questions related to the content of Module 13. For full credit, make sure that you post (written or video) your reflection answers AND positively reply to at least one other classmate. Subscribe to this Discussion Board for notifications.

Refection: Write 1 paragraph for each question (4 -6 sentences / 250 + word count X 2, as there are two questions). Use parenthetical citations when referencing the lecture PPT, for example use (Mod 13) for Module 13 lecture and reference the name of the reading articles and the title of the video clips when citing those resources.

Or, Create a Video response using Canvas Studio!!!

  1. What did you find most interesting/thought-provoking/upsetting?
  2. How does the content learned in this module connect to current events/issues?


  1. How does the content learned in this module connect to you? (this is not a literal question. Think of gender roles, job specialization, trade as in shopping and technology, dogs, cats, and brewing beer)

Part two

For this week’s discussion: 250-300 words

What were the most important contributing factors to the development of the Depression?

What were the most important programs in three categories, and why?

  1. Relief
  2. Recovery
  3. Reform

Remember to use paragraphs in organizing your answer.

Part three

250-350 words

What were the most important New Deal programs which created:

  1. permanent safety net for individuals
  2. economic safeguards for future stability

Choose several programs for each and explain why they have been important.

  • In conclusion, what do you think needs to be improved on for safety in the 21st century? (ex. more banking regulation, Medicare for all, environmental regulation, etc.) How does President Biden’s infrastructure investment plan resemble the New Deal? Thoughts?