Tony Hsieh at Zappos: Structure, culture and radical change

Required Reading

  • Askin, N., Petriglieri, G., & Lockard, J. (2016). Tony Hsieh at Zappos: Structure, culture and radical change. Harvard Business Review Publishing.

Read the required reading above and discuss the following prompt:

  • Was Tony Hsieh’s move to Holacracy a good idea for Zappos? Make the case.
  • To inspire you in authoring your Live Session Preparation post in our Yellowdig learning community to answer the above prompt, consider the following:
  • K– Know- What did you previously KNOW about Holacracy? What experience do you have with it?
  • L– What have you LEARNED so far about Holacracy from the readings you did not know before?
  • W– Want to Know – What more do you WANT to know about Holacracy?