New Deal programs

What were the most important New Deal programs which created:

  1. permanent safety net for individuals
  2. economic safeguards for future stability

Choose several programs for each and explain why they have been important.

  • In conclusion, what do you think needs to be improved on for safety in the 21st century? (ex. more banking regulation, Medicare for all, environmental regulation, etc.) How does President Biden’s infrastructure investment plan resemble the New Deal? Thoughts?

Write 18 different paragraphs

  • book is: Foner, Eric, Give Me Liberty!, Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton: get EITHER the full edition
  • Vol. 2 OR the Seagull edition Vol. 2. Make sure it is the 6th.
  • Foner, Voices of Freedom, Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton
  • W.W. Norton, Digital Resource Access for Give Me Liberty 6 th ed.