Choose 1

Consider what it means to YOU to be successful academically, to be a college student, to be healthy and involved on campus, and to be a responsible and engaged citizen. You may even focus on your resilience, flexibility, and adaptation, your health, and your campus and local citizenship.

Pick 1: Video – for this option, you will submit the video
Adobe Spark, Prezi, or Keynote – for this option, you will submit your presentation
Message to your future self – for this option, you will submit your message
Message to incoming students – for this option, you will submit your message
Drawing or painting (explanation required) – for this option, you will submit an explanation and upload a picture of the drawing or painting
Collection of songs or YouTube clips (explanation required) – for this option, you will submit an explanation and provide a list of all songs and/or YouTube video clips with links
A song or poem you write (explanation required) – for this option, you will submit the written song or poem with the explanation
Collage or scrapbook (explanation required) – for this option, you will submit an explanation and upload a picture of the collage or scrapbook
Diorama – for this option, you will submit an explanation and upload a picture of the diorama

Your project should address the following questions:

What have you learned about yourself this semester in and outside of FYE?
What events, moments, and people have shaped your experience?
What successes and failures have been influential this semester?
What goals did you set and accomplish?