Assignment 14

The items below will give you a perspective of organizing government and public services at regional levels. Included is a map of California counties. I have also included images of Iowa and Texas that include their counties and examples of their regional planning authorities. Counties and regional planning authorities impact our lives in major ways. Take a good look at each of the two files below with images from California, Iowa and Texas.

  • 14.0 14.0 california_county_map.pdf
  • 14.0 Iowa Texas Counties and cogs.pdf

After you have looked through them and given some consideration to planning and implementing public services in large areas, review and look through this file
14.0 lac-cog-subregions.pdf , The file has information about the LA County Council of Governments and regional planning efforts. Another local regional planning body is called Southern California Association of Governments ( .AND/OR ).

Your assignment is to briefly answer these two questions – 1 page maximum –

1. What is a COG ? ( define the term and provide an example of what they do and where they do it ).

2. What is SCAG ? ( define the term and provide an example of what it does and where ).