Assignment 1

For this assignment, you are to apply some of the ideas in the reflection… to address a specific stressor in your life. You’ll need to read the reflection first before answering the following questions:

  1. What is the most stressful part of your life these days? Write about the single most stressful part of your life as well as how this stressor is affecting your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
  2. What have you done to (unhealthfully) avoid or distract yourself from this stressor? How has this affected you?
  3. What could you do to address the underlying causes of this stressor? Please be specific and note not only what you could do, but how and when you could do it.
  4. What could you do to actively address and directly work through the difficult emotions you’re experiencing because of this stressor? Again, please be specific and note not only what you could do, but how and when you could do it. Finally, take some action related to your response to #3 or #4 above. Do something. Trust it will help. Then, answer the following questions:
  5. What action did you take to start addressing your stressor? How did it affect you to take this step?
  6. What did this project teach you about managing stress in your life? How would you like to approach stress differently in the future than you have in the past?


After you have thought about this material, you are to identify and expand on at least one question you have about what most interests you about the material for that topic. The subject line for these posts should summarize the nature of your question.

Assignment 3

Write agreed comment for the following four articles.

Article 1

One thing I found interesting in the reading was how your immune system can go in two different directions reaction wise. When your immune system doesn’t function properly it can go in the overreacting direction or the under reacting direction. The ways you react can change depending on your age, nutrition, and stress levels at that time. With overreacting I found it interesting and kind of weird how your immune system might attack your own body’s tissues. This can end up causing allergic reactions or different self attacking diseases. I also found out that women are more susceptible to this than men are. With under reacting your immune system allows a bacterial infection to occur, a virus to come, or cancer cells to multiply. I think it is cool to learn about the different ways our body and our immune system reacts to these things in both good and bad ways. Did anyone else find these things interesting?? Do you think that while these immune system responses are happening to us do we notice it and maybe feel a little off or do we not even realize it until we are hit with whatever is happening, like a bacterial infection or a virus?

Article 2

For this weeks reading, the subject that stood out to me the most was the “What to do when stressed” reflection. It was very interesting reading ways to handle stress and the two most effective ways, problem-orientated and emotion-orientated. While reading the information I realized the two tactics I use are fit both of the ways. The way I handle life on the regular is more laid back, I don’t like having strict plans, and prefer loose tasks and go by how my emotions are. It is more emotion orientated way of life. I think that having strict plans leaves you more vulnerable to stressors since if something doesn’t go your way it exhibits a stress. On the other hand, if I come across a problem or difficulty, I like to switch to problem orientated coping. I like to make a plan or lists of small tasks that attempts to solve the plan. It slightly relieves the mind of the worry of the problem since you have a plan, and it allows satisfaction when you finish small tasks that lead to solving/helping fix the problem. How do you guys like to solve problems or live in a way to limit stressors?

Article 3

  1. I would say the most stressful part of my life these days is trying to balance school and work life. I recently started a new job and have been working a lot more than usual. I tend to focus much more on my work and ignore my schooling until last minute, which causes a lot of stress. Majority of my classes are online so there isn’t a penalty for when the assignment is done as long as its done before the week ends.
  2. I have been pushing it off until the last day, although it gives temporary relief it only adds to the stress at the end or doing other work to get my mind of the work.
  3. I could stop pushing it off and do little at a time so it doesn’t end with a lot of work at the end. I have a lot of downtime at work so I could bring my school work and do homework at work.
  4. I believe the plan above would help with emotions as well as it would cause ease of mind knowing I have less work to do. The emotions aren’t too bad, when it comes to the time that I have to do my assignments, i’m stressed because of the workload but that is it, I prepare myself for a busy day.
  5. I forgot about the idea that my work has a lot of downtime, Ive been just watching movies and such but now I will bring my school work and do parts of it during my downtime.
  6. This has helped me learn that there is a lot of things you can do to change stuff in your life, it may appear stagnant but it really is up to you and how you perceive it.

Article 4

1) I think one of the most stressful parts about my life right now would probably be my school work. Making sure I get all my work done and to the best of my ability has not only for my PSEO classes but for my high school classes as well has definitely added a little bit of stress to my life. This has affected my emotions and behaviors by making me a little more agitated at times.

2)One thing I have done to distract myself from my stressor is going on my phone or electronic device. Doing this has affected me negatively by making me more stressed than I would have been if I would have just worked on some homework.

3) To help or address my underlying stress I can break up my school work into different days doing a little each day while still making sure I get it all done. I can do this by maybe working on one class on Monday, the next on Tuesday, and kind of alternating them making to to get the important or time sensitive things done.

4) To actively address and work through the different emotions I have I can try to do things to relieve some of my stress. To relieve some of my stress I can take breaks in between the time I spend doing homework. By taking a device free couple minute break I can hopefully clear my mind and have a renewed sense of energy to get more of my homework done. By having a refreshed mind and getting more of my work done it can help to feel less stressed about the week and all I have to do.

5) To help address my stressor I have been making sure that I am putting my phone away so I can stay focused and get more of my school work done. When I took this step I was less distracted and was able to get more of my work done relieving some of my stress.

6) This project has taught me to not let stress take over my life.This project has also taught me how to identify my stressor, address the underlying cause, and manage it in a positive way. In the future I would like to approach stress with a different mindset and instead of letting it take over my life right away, find ways to address it and manage it from the beginning.