Assignment: Research Proposal

Research Question

What pro-social interventions are most effective to create harmonious relations between black communities and law enforcement?

Purpose of the Course:

This course prepares students to enter their prospective career and/or continue their education in psychology. Students will explore occupations and leaders in the various psychological fields, formulate and compile their experiences and achievements, and construct a roadmap for success. Original research ideas will be solidified and presented.

Original Content is imperative, clear, and concise writing

At least 500 word summary of your proposal .

The summary must include the following:

Part 1

Introduction: Title, description of what will be researched, an explanation of why the research is important to the field of psychology, and an explanation of how respect for persons, beneficence, and justice will be upheld and the process for informed consent.

Literature Review: An analysis of the literature review detailing findings from 8-10 scholarly, empirical, peer-reviewed references published within the past 5 – 7 years.

Research Questions/Hypotheses: Presentation of research questions and hypotheses.

Part 2

Methods and Data Collection: An explanation of the method , data collection method, sample, instrumentation, and the statistical analysis used to test the hypotheses, if quantitative, or the data analysis method if qualitative.

Hypothetical Findings: A verbal or graphical presentation of the findings and an explanation of how the findings rejected or failed to reject the null hypotheses and answered the research questions.

Suggestions for Future Research: Suggestions for future research based on the hypothetical findings.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Research Paper Proposals

Throughout the program, you should be thinking of a research topic you would like to explore. In the capstone course (PSY-693), you will create a research proposal. To assist you in the creation of that proposal, you will decide on a research topic and begin collecting empirical studies to support the need for research. Your topic must relate to a basic social psychological principle; however it can fall into one of the applied subfields .

For this assignment you will create your research question and at least five scholarly, peer reviewed, empirical studies, all from the past 5 to 7years. Your articles must support the need for your research.

The following information will assist in the formation of your research question and the beginning collection of literature:

Use the empirical checklist  to assure your article is an empirical article.

Explore the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching ( for information on research topics and literature reviews. From the main page, under Research Development – click on Research Ready. Each section has several bits of information to help formulate your research.