Reading Response #3:  Reducing Risk of Trauma (100 points)

Are you feeling “powerful and confident” in your social relationships?  The reading by Crann,  Senn, Radtke, & Hobden (2022) discusses women’s responses and resistance to sexual assault.

In addition to looking at the reported effectiveness of sexual assault resistance programs (EAAA) this article discusses how participation in such programs can increase feelings of empowerment in women.  That is, past participants reported learning to trust their judgment (about the potential risk) and increased behavior in being to stay safe without restricting their personal freedom.

For this reading response question, I want to examine your thinking about the 4 themes discussed in the reading about how women protect themselves and other women.

Theme #1: Appraising the Situation

Learning the different ways men can assert power over women in social situations  (p.154)

Theme #2: Naming Discomfort

Women can prioritize their well-being by naming their discomfort and setting assertive boundaries (p. 154)

Theme #3: Resisting Gender Norms

Trying to change and/or acting against social norms (p. 155)

Theme #4: Resistance as a Community Action

Forming partnerships to prevent men’s coercive behavior. (p. 155)

Demonstrating care for each other’s safety.


For this reading response you are to focus on the following questions:

  1. Reviewing the themes about how women can protect themselves and other women, which theme do you feel you (female family member/friend) are adequately performing?  Explain how you believe you (they) are using the safety theme you selected.   You are required to make at least one direct reference to the reading or lecture content when you discuss this question. Be sure to provide a citation for the material you discuss.


  1. What theme do you feel you (female family member/ friend) need to work on improving?   Identify at least one way you (female family member/ friend) can work to improve your (their) safety related to the recommendations in this theme. You are required to make at least one direct reference to the reading or lecture content when you discuss this question. Be sure to provide a citation for the material you discuss.


  1. Finally, would you consider participating (or recommending to a female family member/friend) in a sexual assault risk reduction program?  Did the information presented in this article or tonight’s lecture influence your decision?  If so, how?  If have you already participated in such a program?  Which one and what are your thoughts about the program (give a short review)?