Week 2 Discussion – Understanding Verbal, Nonverbal, and Written Communication

  • Materials
  • Textbook
  • Vannella, E. (2021). Interpersonal communication. MyEducator.
  • Tools
  • MyEducator®

This week covered various types of questions that achieve different desired responses. The different question types include closed, open, rhetorical, funneling, and process questions. Depending on the question type, the response from the opposite person may vary from a one-word answer, or no answer, while other types will encourage information sharing as well as follow-up questions.

If everyone articulated their needs with absolute clarity and empathy, you might think we’d have little need for questions. But questions can arise even when a message is stated clearly, merely because one is curious.

  • Describe an instance when you initiated a conversation with a question.
  • Which question type did you employ?
  • Why did you choose that approach?
  • What was the result?
  • How might learning question types better equip you to answer others’ questions?
  • With a better understanding of question types, how might this change the way you ask questions of your peers or colleagues in your current role?