Essay #1 – Rhetorical Analysis

Write a rhetorical analysis assessing the effectiveness of an argumentative piece of text (text = any article, image, speech, film, etc.). How did the assessments lend to the strength of the argument?

– Choose to analyze 3 or more of the following assessments: purpose, pathos, ethos, logos, Kairos, or fallacies in a piece of text. (these are the only assessments you can choose from) (at least 3 assessments)

o Title = Essay #1 – Rhetorical Analysis

o Write a fully developed thesis-driven analytical essay answering all areas of the prompt.

o Analyze one piece of argumentative text (text = any article, image, speech, film, etc.) and make sure to completely introduce it in your introduction (author/title/summary).

o Your thesis statement should state the analysis (effective/ineffective), include at least 3 assessments (3-5 body paragraphs), and clarify the author’s argument/goal.

o Your bodies should support your thesis by using evidence of the assessments from the text.

o Must be 4 complete double-spaced pages in length at a minimum. (This page count does not include the Works Cited Page)

o This essay must be in MLA format, including the Work Cited Page and in-text citations.