Essay two

For this assignment, you need to address the way that cultural and social structures influence these two stories – ”I killed her because i loved her” and ” and eye for an eye”.

Cultural and social structures you can choose from (address at least 3): class, race, rights, access, equity, participation in social justice action, concepts of law and justice, geography, politics, gender, race, class, religion, dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and/or opportunity. For example, you might examine the way that law and justice and social justice action are depicted in Malawi and Kenya. Or you might compare and contrast the relationships between geography, religion, and power in texts from Nigeria and the Navajo nation. Or you might analyze the influence of power, gender, and religion in texts from Iraq and Ghana. Or any other combination that interests you.

Essay Requirements:

1. Well-developed introduction, using one of the devices provided in the lecture. Conclude your introduction with the thesis—this should be one sentence and it should be placed as the last sentence of the first paragraph.

2. Clear and specific thesis that includes the titles of the texts and the main point you are arguing about cultural and social factors. It should have a thesis

3. Multiple body paragraphs, limited to the discussion of one idea each. Make a point about the comparison and then prove it using examples from both of the texts. This way you are directly comparing them. Then move on to the next paragraph and make another point, using examples from both texts. And so on.

4. Evidence: Your body paragraphs must use well-chosen quotes and/or paraphrases introduced by signal phrases, and appropriate MLA citations from your chosen texts.

5. Conclusion should not simply restate your thesis. Your paper should end with a conclusion the revisits, but not restates, your thesis. Leave the reader with something to think about. Answer the “so what?” question. See the provided lecture.

6. Point of View: For our class in our essay assignments, first person (I, me, my, mine, our, we, us) pronouns are not appropriate. This puts the focus on the text and your main points, not on you as a writer. Additionally, please do not use second person pronouns (you, your) as they are confusing. You as a writer or your reader as a person should not be addressed in our written assignments, unless the assignment specifically allows for it.

7. Works Cited Page in MLA format.

8. Length and format: Your essay should be about 3-4 pages, double spaced, easy to read font.

9. Title: Try to be creative with your title. It does not take quotation marks, italics, bolding, underlining or any other changes in font from the rest of the essay.