MSc Financial Management

AMBS75006 Financial Statement Analysis – A2 – Individual Assignment

Assignment Instructions:

Assignment Reference  FSA-StudentNumber-Sep22-A2

Due Date 17 January 2023

Wordcount  2,000 words

Weighting 50% of the course

File Format Task 1: Excel and Word

Task 1: Word

Submission Details Task 1: Blackboard

Task 2: Turnitin

Instructions provided on Blackboard

Important instructions:

This final individual assignment should be attempted individually and without cooperating with other students. You should comply with the maximum word limit that is set for each at the end of each answer the total number of words used, bearing in mind that you do not need to consider any tables / excel workings and reference lists when counting words. The assignment comprises two tasks, each weighted with 50% of the marks.

Task 1: Applying debt rating prediction models to real-life data: Getronics

Read the case study Getronics . A spreadsheet containing the exhibits  is available on Blackboard. Using the information from the case and the data in the spreadsheets, you are required to:

  1. Apply the debt rating prediction model outlined in Table a on the next page, a version of the model described in Table 10.8, page 401 of the core text1 to determine a debt rating for each half year end during the years 2002 – 2007. State any assumptions made, and ensure your workings are clear in your spreadsheet answer.
  2. Compare your debt ratings’ calculations against Getronics’ actual debt ratings  outlining why limitations in the prediction model may explain any differences.