Creative Journal

For this assignment, you are going to create a journal entry from the perspective of one of the characters in the book. You can be either Dr. Moreau, Montgomery, Edward Pendrick, or one of the more cognitive hybrid creatures such as M’ling. The character you choose is really up to you.

For the points, you are one of the main characters and you overhear some of the beast-people talking about something significant that could change the story.

Choose that significant event on the island and rewrite it in your journal. You may be creative and add to the story, but make sure to incorporate a situation that you read about in the book that you found interesting that might change the outcome of the story. Make sure it is clear what words you borrow from the book and what you make up.

For example: When the Sayer of the Law recited the laws, what if the laws were different when Moreau and the Humans were not around, what if there were two sets of Laws?

Your journal entry must be at least 250 words, which is about one page double-spaced. Please make sure to double-space your writing.