Auditors Report & Management Discussion & Analysis

You will complete a Management Discussion and Analysis based on the final problem (financial data from this problem is attached) of your comprehensive problems in connect. This will involve creating mock information on the entity that describes its operation.It also involves using the trial balance information and creating some basic financial statements in excel and then linking or pasting those statements into the MD&A in Microsoft Word. There is an MD&A template attached for you to use, but the wording should be changed significantly to make each MD&A unique to the student who creates it. You should attach (either paste or past link) the financial information as appropriate. The template should get you started, however you will need to pull financial information from the appropriate connect problem, and create your own prior year data to analyze in the MD&A. On the last page of the MD&A write a 1-2 page faith integration based on the concepts used in the course and the biblical integration discussed, or any other biblical concepts you find appropriate.