Problem Solving Content

Problem Solving Part II – graded assignment 18 points CNX 100/4 Bogdanov 

We will start working on this final assignment in class, right after Thanksgiving break. The assignment involves:
1 Writing a report (mostly text, but you are encouraged to include visuals that can help reinforce, supplement or provide better understanding of your arguments).

2 Making a slide presentation of the report’s summary (this is what you will present to your peers during finals week, ).
What should your report include:

(1) Introduction – wicked/tame problems (400 words)
Introduce the OWU community the environmental problem of pollinators decline, (how is this a wicked problem) and the ways environmental art on college campuses can induce their mobility and promote campus community. You should provide pertinent background information on the pollinators decline and a brief rationale on why and how pollinator gardens would be important, particularly for the liberal arts college campus. Using keywords: mobility, migration, belonging, address how is our class MRP – Move Research Project connected with the themes of the seminar. 

(2) Challenges – tame problems (300 – 400 words) 
Challenges of the public outdoor artworks, and particularly the challenges of pollinator gardens:

(3) Discusses the gathered information (300 words)
 Discuss how the information was gathered, and define relevant groups for the project. Discuss what are the limitations and concerns that different groups might have about the project, data limitation, what other information might need to be gathered and why. 
(4)(5) Recommendations & evaluation ( 600 – 800 words)
(4) Explain the assessment and feasibility of possible solutions
(5) Discusses what could be implementation steps and recommendations
Provide and discuss 3 – 5 recommendations for how the project of building pollinator gardens on campus be implemented and sustained. Discuss why it would be important to perceive and connect these gardens with existing outdoor campus artworks. Your recommendations should include suggestions for:
◦ Consultation – academic programs, campus maintenance (landscape), local groups
◦ Communication, outreach – what is the necessary information for:
◦ Garden’s maintenance (manual),
◦ Information for online support, for the following purposes: educational, engagement, marketing, map
◦ How can public spaces and artworks become strategic points of inclusive community engagement and tell a multidimensional story of place and people.