4.2 bible

4.2 (2 pages) due sunday

  1. Identify a specific section of the required reading in our textbooks this week which resonated with you.
  2. Summarize that section of the reading in approximately 300-400 words to reacquaint me with that specific section from our reading.

Note: Your selection cannot be strictly a summary of a passage of the Bible required to be read this week or related online readings which are not from our required textbooks. Your summary must be from a section in the required textbooks on the syllabus for this week.

  1. Designate an additional 200 to 400 words responding with your insights and/or analysis of that section of required reading.
  2. Submission must be within the 500-800 word limit
  3. You should include at least one and no more than two citations from the book and citations should be no longer than 50 words in length.
  4. Due to the short word-count for this assignment, your writing should be specific and concise. Eliminate unnecessary words. Consider ways to rephrase and rewrite to meet the word count.

Here are some reading below

  • Proverbial Wisdom: Proverbs 1-15
  • Grimsrud Ch.9 “The Message of the Old Testament” (pp.118-123),