Unit 8 Discussion OM Peer Response.

Project Plan

As the Operations manager for Kibby and Strand and taking on this new task for shipping products for Amazon. To accomplish this task our shipping department would need additional resources like an additional building solely for amazon’s shipping department, more employees, more delivery trucks, and so forth. By adding these resources for this big contract, it would raise our reputation and make acquiring other contracts in the near future more easier to acquire. Since we are moving our shipping department to a new facility and expanding our production department into the old shipping department the project task list would be as follows.

Project Tasks:

  1. Move the shipping department to new facility
    1. Strategically move machines, employees, materials, resources, without interrupt current operations
    2. Start December 5, 2022 / End December 12, 2022
  2. Downsize current shipping department to maintain current operation
    1. The current shipping department will continue operations but to a small size to focus shipping on new department.
    2. Start December 12, 2022 / End December 19, 2022
  3. Expand Production department
    1. As we move the old shipping department we would order new production machines and start filling in empty space.
    2. Start December 12, 2022 / End December 19, 2022
  4. Move old shipping department
    1. At this point move the remaining entity of the shipping department to the new facility
    2. Start December 19, 2022 / End December 27, 2022
  5. Complete set up of the expanded production department
    1. As soon as the last remaining resources of the shipping department are moved out initiate the remaining set up of the production department.
    2. Start December 19, 2022 / End December 27, 2022
  6. Allocate for more resources
    1. Once the new shipping department is up and running need to acquire more resources to fulfil contract obligations.
    2. Start December 27, 2022 / End January 8, 2022


  • The whole process will automatically grant more contracts.
  • Shipping expenses will be reduced by adding a new shipping department.
  • With the expanding of the facility that production and contracts will rise.
  • Production will maximize output
  • Shipping department will run efficiently and effectively without any hicups


  • Time would be the greatest adversary for shipping orders that Amazon fulfils per their shipping policies.
  • More shipping contracts will require more employees
  • More machines will require more skilled laborers to run them.

Network Diagram


Stevenson, W. J. (2020). Operations Management (14th Edition). McGraw-Hill Education


Provide one page peer response for each attached document following the guidelines below:

1. Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial posting along with supporting rationale.
2. Identify specific opportunities for improvement with regard to the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should provide supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the effectiveness of the content.