Reading Reflection Assignment

This writing assignment corresponds to the Cohn book, The Ten Year War. Cite this as a source, as well as the websites at the bottom of the assignment.

In a 800 – 1000 word essay, utilize the Cohn book, The Ten Year War.
Critically reflect on the reading. A reading reflection is not simply your “take” on

The reading, a summary of the reading, or a blunt assessment of the book offered as your opinion.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to engage with the reading by reflecting on your pre- existing knowledge (accurate or inaccurate), your opinion (informed or uninformed) of the content of the book and how the reading may have changed, reinforced, or otherwise altered your position regarding the topic.

Required Components of the Reading Reflection Assignment
• Essay format with an opening paragraph, body paragraphs, concluding paragraph.
• Thoughtful content that is reflective in nature, utilizes examples from the book that demonstrate your engagement with the text, and it must ‘ring true’. This does not mean you have to reveal anything you do not wish to reveal, but a reflection paper is personal in nature and must not have the feel of a superficial piece of writing that anyone could produce after reading the book.

Resources to Help You
• any-assignment/how-write-reflection-paper