
STEP 1: Find a podcast with sociological themes and discussions. Listen to at least three episodes of the podcast and take notes as you listen. You may use this link to find sociological podcasts that are of interest to you, or you can use your own listening service to find an appropriate podcast.

STEP 2: Choose one of the episodes with which to write your paper. The paper should be 2-3 pages and consist of a summary of the chosen episode that you listened to and how it relates to topics from our class. Tie in theories and key terms that we have learned throughout the course, using your textbook as a reference.

STEP 3: In the analysis section of the paper, identify the sociological question that the episode addresses. Explain what information and data is essential to having a conversation about this issue. Discuss the solutions to the problem or the information needed to help better understand this issue. Make assertions based on the information you learned from the podcast. What did you learn? What questions do you still have? In what way can we continue to improve society with this conversation?

STEP 4: Using APA format, be sure to include a list of references and in-text citations for your facts/statistics/and figures.