Medi-caid Expansion Presentation

The critical assignment in this course is a finance and reimbursement presentation. You will select and research a system of care along with its’ related finance and reimbursement functions and challenges. You may choose from among the following- Medi-Cal Expansion.
1. Your presentation should begin with a brief history of medical insurance in the United States, and then an identification and rationale for choosing your specific system of care.
2. You are to critically examine, analyze, and explain the role of your chosen system, and describe major components, responsibilities, and structure, along with its’ effects on health care delivery.
3. You are to interpret major finance and reimbursement challenges and/or conflicts, key factors that influence health care reimbursement functionality and efficiency, and offer potential solutions to identified challenges/conflicts.
4. You are to provide a detailed and well-developed explanation of the strengths and challenges of your chosen system, which includes an analysis of relevant resources utilized and/or needed, the significance to healthcare finance and reimbursement, and an explanation of possible future directions.
5. You are to demonstrates exceptional understanding of finance and reimbursement relevant to your chosen system and utilize appropriate, relevant, and compelling content that demonstrates your mastery of the subject throughout.
6. Refer to the rubric scoring criteria for a detailed list of expectations and provide what you believe is necessary to exceptionally demonstrate your depth of knowledge throughout.
7. You must integrate information learned throughout the course to fully address all aspects and requirements of the critical assignment.
All submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, presentation style/format, including APA 6th citations and references when appropriate.