Final Paper

Teachers instruction:
The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages long, but no longer than five pages. The Works Cited page does not count toward the minimum.

In your paper, it should be clear what approach you are looking at your folktale through, and what critical lens you are using to examine your fairy tale.

This is a research paper so you must cite your sources using parenthetical citations and create a corresponding Works Cited page according to MLA documentation.

The OWL Purdue online tutoring web page has all of the documentation information you could ever need. I used it in Grad School, it saved me from making many mistakes.

Here is an example of a document with written directions for MLA formatting, it is formatted and cited properly.

Every people or nation has its own way of experiencing reality, and so a study of the world’s fairy tales yields a wealth of insights into the archetypal experiences of humankind.

For this final paper research a Folktale that uses anthropomorphic animals to teach a lesson, or makes a point, and make sure to discuss the Folktale’s origins. This might include the cultural background that explains the use of anthropomorphism. (The folktale you use can be from your cultural background, but it should be one that is popular enough to have been printed and discussed.

Here is a webpage that I found with folktales from different countries in the world. (evaluate the fairy tale for its content, will you be able to write a paper about it). Links to an external site. (FYI, I did not spend a lot of time reviewing this webpage, so make sure that you do).

When examining the folktale or story that you chose, you will need to look at it through the lens of one of the literary criticisms that I have outlined below. Depending on the critical lens that you chose, you will need to research your approach.

Limit this to 1-2 sources as the paper is very short and it should NOT be an essay that is made of quotes. Remember when writing essays, the research supports your ideas, not the other way around. One of your sources could very well be the Berger reading, it might help you critique your chosen folktale. Even if you do not use it, keep the information in mind as it discusses the connection between man and animals.

Review the descriptions of these literary criticisms, as you will need to choose one, research it and then examine the folktale you found through that lens.