Timeline earth and sciences
Review assignment – Timeline of Earth’s Major Events
- Separate out the following events into: 1) life/extinction events and 2) tectonic/climatic events.
- Place each set of events in order from oldest to youngest on a timeline.
- Include the dates that you are responsible for knowing.
- Highlight the eons, eras, periods and epochs you are meant to memorize.
- Note which eon, era and period each event is associated with.
Try your best to do this first without looking at your notes or the textbook.
- Acasta gneiss
- Amniotes evolve
- Angiosperms appear
- Banded Iron Formations appear
- Basin and Range in the SW US forms
- Birds evolve from therapods
- Cascade continental volcanic arc forms
- Coast Mountains of BC form
- Colorado Plateau in the SW US starts to form/uplift
- Columbia Plateau in the NW US forms/Yellowstone Hot Spot lavas erupt
- Continental crust appears (oldest mineral grain).
- Continental Glaciers first appear (earliest evidence)
- Dinosaurs appear/true mammals appear
- Eukaryotes appear (oldest molecular fossil)
- Genus homo appears
- Gymnosperms evolve
- Himalayas start to form
- Hominins appear
- Homo sapiens appear
- K-T mass extinction event
- Land plants appear (preserved spores in fossil record)
- Land vertebrates/earliest amphibians appear (Tiktaalic)
- Liquid water first appears
- Mammal-like synapsids appear
- Placental mammals diversify
- Metazoan fossils appear
- Moon forms
- Ocean crust appears (not oldest preserved)
- Oceanic crust, oldest preserved
- Pangea assembles/final formation of the Appalachian Mountains
- Pangea starts to break up/Mid-Atlantic Ridge first forms
- Permian mass extinction event/eruption of Siberian Trapp lavas
EAES 1121 NAME: _______________
- Plate tectonics are active (first direct evidence)
- Rocky Mountains of BC first form
- Rodinia forms
- Rodinia starts to break up
- Snowball Earth ends
- Snowball Earth forms
- Stromatolites appear (oldest preserved prokaryotes)
- Vertebrates/earliest fish appear