Chapters 15 and 16 Written Homework

Be sure to show all your work, particularly for odd-numbered questions. If you end up looking at a solution please cite the source of your information.

15 โ€“ 6: A cord of mass 0.65 ๐‘˜๐‘” is stretched between two supports 7.2 ๐‘š apart. If the tension in the cord is 120 ๐‘, how much time will it take a pulse to travel from one support to the other?

15 โ€“ 31: A sinusoidal wave traveling on a cord in the negative ๐‘ฅ direction has amplitude 1.00 ๐‘๐‘š, wavelength 3.00 ๐‘๐‘š, and frequency 245 ๐ป๐‘ง. At ๐‘ก = 0, the particle of string at ๐‘ฅ = 0 is displaced a distance ๐ท = 0.80 ๐‘๐‘š above the origin and is moving upward.

  1. a) Sketch the shape of the wave at ๐‘ก = 0.
  2. b) Determine the function of ๐‘ฅ and ๐‘ก that describes the wave.

16 โ€“ 75: A motion sensor can accurately measure the distance ๐‘‘ to an object repeatedly via the sonar technique used in Example 16 – 2. A short ultrasonic pulse is emitted and reflects from any object it encounters, creating echo pulses upon their arrival back at the senor. The sensor measures the time interval ๐‘ก between the emission of the original pulse and the arrival of the first echo.

  1. a) The smallest time interval ๐‘ก that can be measured with high precision is 1.0 ๐‘š๐‘ . What is the smallest distance (at 20ยฐ ๐ถ) that can be measured with the motion sensor?
  1. b) To measure an objectโ€™s speed the motion sensor makes 15 distance measurements every second (that is, it emits 15 sound pulses per second at evenly spaced time intervals), the measurement of ๐‘ก must be completed within the time interval between the emissions of successive pulses. What is the largest distance (at 20ยฐ ๐ถ) that can be measured with the motion sensor?
  1. c) Assume that during a lab period the roomโ€™s temperature increases from 20ยฐ ๐ถ to 23ยฐ ๐ถ. What percent error will this introduce into the motion sensorโ€™s distance measurements?

There is an optional bonus question on the next page.

Optional Bonus Question: Show by direct substitution that the following functions satisfy the wave equation:

  1. a) ๐ท(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ก) = ๐ด ๐‘™๐‘›(๐‘ฅ + ๐‘ฃ๐‘ก)
  2. b) ๐ท(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ก) = (๐‘ฅ โˆ’ ๐‘ฃ๐‘ก)4

Hint: See example 15-17.

With partial derivatives you treat the variables that you are NOT differentiating

with respect to as if they are constants. For example:


๐œ•๐‘ก [3๐‘ฅ๐‘ก2 + 2๐‘ฅ] = 6๐‘ฅ๐‘ก + 0


๐œ•๐‘ฅ [3๐‘ฅ๐‘ก2 + 2๐‘ฅ] = 3๐‘ก2 + 2