Discussion Essay

Knowledge of real-world societal inequities effecting patient care in healthcare organizations is essential in your tool kit for graduation.

First, review the Public Broadcast Service (PBS) healthcare disparity summary, “Frontline: The Healthcare Divide Preview,” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBtX4ZH9av4 Then, watch the full PBS documentary, “The Healthcare Divide,” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVvEkeH4O8o

The full video identifies three types of hospitals: Safety Net, For Profit, and Non-Profit. Discuss the following:

  • What are safety net hospitals?
  • Choose a thesis statement based on metacognition.
  • From the perspective of Comprehensive Health Planning, use Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 from the textbook to discuss your thesis statement.
  • Provide three peer-reviewed references and the textbook to support your rationale.

Interactive participation in class for DQ3 is due by Sep 27, and respond with two students by Sep 29, 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Use research from peer-reviewed journal articles in strategic health planning to analyze the research. Also, use critical thinking skills, support your ideas, stimulate thoughts, utilize metacognition, and provide opposing viewpoints based on healthcare evidence. The format should be from the “Sample Paper” Template in Blackboard Ultra, Module 1.

Discussion Question 1:

Hospital Compare

Discussion Question 2

Department of Nursing and Allied Health, Norfolk State University

HSM 451-90: Comprehensive Health Planning

Dr. Batrina Martin