Research Methods

Final Paper

Component six: Conclusion and final paper

Topic of Assignment – How Small Businesses Are Preparing for Economic Hardships

For this assignment, you’ll pull together all of the previous components, revised in accord with the comments I provided.  This will be a short paper, though it should include all of the sections in a formal paper:

  • Your topic, why it’s important, why you were interested in it
  • Your literature review – see attachment and see comments below
  • A summary of each of your three projects (see below) – the questions you posed and what you found.  Was it what you expected?  If not, why not?
    • Observation Presentation – see attachment
    • Content Analysis Presentation- see attachment and see comments below
    • Quantitative Project Presentation – see attachment
  • A conclusion – what do we now know about the topic that guided your research? Does that fit with the literature you read?  What do we still need to know?  How was your research limited?
  • If you had this project to do over, what would you do differently?
  • Include your bibliography at the end of the paper