Analyzing Genres About the Rise in Rents post COVID 19 Pandemic and its effects on evictions that lead to homelessness

This is an analytical, academic essay. The essay needs to present a clear and effective argument. Your essay should follow the conventions for academic writing and be directed toward an academic audience. Make a clear and precise analysis using the rhetorical strategies.

Requirements and Formatting:

Genre: Genre Analysis

Sources: 3 genres related to your human rights issue. YOU MUST HAVE TWO TEXTS FROM THE TYPOGRAPHY CATEGORY PLUS ONE FROM EITHER THE ICONOGRAPHY OR THE ORAL CATEGORY. See the Understanding Genres Class PowerPoint for details.

Audience: professional or academic persons interested in your topic or the genre, your classmates, and your instructor

Citation: Cite the texts you chose for writing your genre analysis and any additional sources in APA format on an APA style References page (so you will have an APA References page with at least three citations on it). Any references to a source inside your paper must have an APA style in-text citation.

Length should be 1,400-1,800 words (not including the APA References page, the title page, or copy/link to the texts)

Use 12-point font, Times New Roman or Calibri

Use 1-inch margins all the way around

Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and language usage

Effectively organized with paragraphs in a logical order; it should have a clear introduction and conclusion.

Grading Criteria:
See attached grading rubric for a breakdown in grading categories. Points worth: 120 points in the Unit 3 grading category.

Content choices and rhetorical knowledge
The analysis addresses most of the assignment questions effectively and offers an insightful evaluation of the chosen genre.
The writer analyzed all of the important aspects of the genre and provided a clear description of the relevant aspects.
The analysis demonstrates solid knowledge of the concepts it discusses.

Genre conventions
The analysis meets the genre conventions including a specific title, an engaging and informative introduction, unified body paragraphs, a clear conclusion, and appropriate transitions.
Word choices and sentence structure are appropriate for the audience and purpose.
The analysis is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

Writing Process
The writer created multiple drafts of the analysis and participated in peer review. Successive drafts of the essay demonstrate the ability to explore and develop ideas, learn from instruction, apply feedback, and self-correct.

The analysis includes three samples of the chosen genres related to the human rights issue.
All outside sources are used ethically and effectively.

Assignment Submission:
Upload your assignment to the Writing Project #3 – Genre Analysis FINAL assignment link as a Word document or as a PDF. Do not submit a link or a Google Doc. Do not email assignments. See Helpful Websites and Videos… if you need to convert your document to Word or PDF.
Draft – Word document with at least 1100 words, the APA style References page, a scanned copy, image or link to the texts (with their visuals) you are analyzing. Word count does not include title page or References page or the copy/link to the texts. AFTER YOU UPLOAD YOUR PAPER TO THE ASSIGNMENT LINK, PLEASE POST ANOTHER COPY TO THE DISCUSSION BOARD FOR THE PEER REVIEW!!!

Final Version – Word document with 1400 – 1800 words with significant revisions to the draft based on peer reviews, plus an APA References page, and a scanned copy, image or link to the texts (with their visuals) you are analyzing. Word count does not include title page, References page, or the copy/link to the texts.

See the late policy for MAJOR assignments for additional details.

Due Dates:
Rough draft due: Wednesday, Week 13 by 11:59 p.m.
Peer review due: Wednesday, Week 13 and Friday, Week 13 by 11:59 p.m.
Final project due: Friday, Week 14 by 11:59 p.m.
See the Assignment Submission, Late Work and Absences for additional information.

Project Overview:
For this assignment, you will need to choose three (3) genres based on YOUR chosen human rights topic and then write an analysis of those genres. You will analyze the common features that a text has to display to be considered part of a genre, and you will determine the expectations for writers working in that genre. By examining academic and professional genres you become more knowledgeable about these particular genres, but more importantly, you will develop analytical skills that will help you work with any new genre you will encounter in your academic or professional career.

Project Details:
Carefully consider the concept of genre that applies to this class (Rhetoric and Composition), how to recognize different genres, and the features that differentiate one genre from another. As you begin, think about all the different genres that may communicate about your topic such as academic articles, documentaries, humanitarian organization websites, government documents, posters, documentary photography, instruction sets, editorial and opinion pieces, essays, and even comics.

Two of the genres must be Typography (written, and try to make sure there is only one author to the written form to make it easier for your analysis); and the third genre may be selected from Iconography or Oral categories. All of them will be on your same human rights topic. **Choose your genres carefully—poor choices will lead to an insufficient genre analysis**

Step 1: Prepare for the essay:

For EACH of your genres, begin by answering the questions below. You will use your answers from step 1 to write your essay as explained in step 2. You will NOT include a numbered list from step 1 in your essay but your answers will become incorporated into step 2.

Rhetorical Situation:

Who are the authors of the samples you chose? Do you have to have certain credentials or specialized training to work with this genre? If the author is unknown, why is that?
Who is the main audience for this genre? Are there any groups that are excluded? (e.g., you can say that highly specialized medical reports exclude people with no medical training)
What is the occasion for the genre? What is it trying to accomplish?
What kinds of issues does it address? Are there any limitations in terms of what kinds of issues can be raised?

Language and Form:

What formality and complexity of language are expected and appropriate in this genre?
What attitudes and tone are expected and appropriate in this genre? Do you see any deviations from these expectations, and if yes – what effect do they create?
What are some common terms or specialized expressions you notice?
What are the format expectations for this genre? What are the typical length, structure and organization, layout, visual elements?
Does this genre interact with other writing in any way? Why or why not? (e.g., do your samples include references or links to other texts? Do they mention other texts or other writing on the subject?)