Second Interpretive Essay

Prompts are based off of the following movies: 2001 a space odyssey, star wars (1977), Blade runner, the matrix

1. Women play a particular narrative role in each of the movies above. What is that role and how does it shape the story? Can we make the case that women’s roles have changed in science fiction adventures? If you don’t think they have then lay out what limits you see in the construction of these characters. Feel free to cite films we haven’t watched, like Alien (d. Ridley Scott, 1979) and Contact (Robert Zemeckis, 1997), in support of your overall argument.

The essay can be based on the prompt listed above or any of the other prompts listed in the attached document. Papers should be four to six pages, typed and double-spaced. When quoting primary and secondary materials be sure to provide the appropriate citation (MLA format). Be sure that the interpretation you produce has a clear argument and appropriate supporting evidence.