Jou 145 final exam – short answers

Part II Short Answer/ Identification. Select any ten. Worth three points each.

1. The differences between Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising
2. Public Opinion.
3. Audience and Spectators as they differ from Publics
4. Who was Edward Bernays’ Uncle and why is this important?
5. What is the Thesis of Christopher Lasch’s article titled “Journalism, Publicity and the lost Art of Argument”?
6. Name four publics who might be targeted in an internal employee communications program.
7. Name four community publics who might be targeted in an external communications program.
8. Define “Media Relations” and record the goal of Media Relations.
9. List four criteria of professionalism.
10. What is the relationship between lobbying and public relations? Also, in which venerated document is lobbying sanctioned?
11. What is the name of the first female Presidential Press Secretary and what kind of public relations did Dr. Bird argue that she was attempting to do on The Late Show with David Letterman?
12. What type of news approach, Dr. Bird argued, was present in the post 9/11 Fox news video clip, “Rudy the Rock”?
13. List two kinds of public relations demonstrated in the FEDEX name change video clip. Name at least two targeted audiences.
14. According to your text, what is the relationship of ancient pyramids and statues to public relations?
15. What was the relationship between the consumer movement and Ralph Nadar to public relations?
16. According to Dr. Bird, what did the press spokesman for Swissair do so well in regards to the ensuing news coverage of the airline crash?
17. (Directly from your reading) A news release should contain only _________ information. It should not be a thinly disguised advertisement for your organization. A good news release has a ______ _____ ; that is, journalsts and bloggers read it and quickly see that the information it contains is relevant to their readers, listeners or viewers.